The A/C is a BOSCH PAM0520. It is a powerful single unit which will
cool the whole apartment comfortably and silently in case of heat wave,
although most of the time the two fans provided will be enough to give
pleasant or powerful breeze thorough the whole apartment.
Heat waves happen in Paris more frequently than before but they have
reached (so far) uncomfortable level rarely and only
in July or first 2 weeks of August. The building is
made of thick stones and the apartment has shutters
on all its windows.If the shutters are left closed or ajar
during the day and left open during the night, the
apartment is comfortable up to 90F.
The A/C unit is portable but it not necessary to move it around. It
is connected through a window and it will cool the
whole apartment uniformly and rapidly.
The control panel on the top has 2 knobs: the right one is for thermostat
and the second one has 6 positions.
From top position and going clockwise:
Off - Silent
Cooling - High Cooling - Turbo Cooling -
Dehumidification - Air Purification
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